
We only use premium ingredients for all our products, starting at the source, such as the Central Mill Flour.

Central Mill Flour has operated in Utah, United States, for over 150 years and has “hand-selected grain, expertly milled, for passionate bakers” like us. They work directly with their farmers to sustainably grow grains that have exceptional flavor, nutrient content, color and baking performance.

Chocolate Chip Pile La Boulangerie
Central Milling Flour, ingredient La Boulangerie


Most of all our chocolate comes from Compañía Nacional de Chocolates in Columbia. We are very proud to be partner with this company which is very engaged in sustainability and working with local farmers. For more than half a century, they have promoted sustainable and environmentally friendly agricultural practices, ensuring adequate control systems and production processes to take care of the planet. It invests a large amount of resources in the research and development of new technologies related to the cultivation and industrial processing of cocoa and is considered one of the nine best food producers evaluated in the world.